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March Update

6 Apr

English 8:  The 8s have begun a new novel — Clive Barker’s The Thief of Always. This is a great book for 8s — just enough spookiness and mystery to keep everyone reading. The vocabulary and writing are good for 8s, too — lots of similes and metaphors in the descriptions.

My 12s are about half-way through Paper Towns and wondering who Margo Roth Spiegelman really is.

English 10s are finishing up The Giver by watching the movie and writing a persuasive essay. The movie is an excellent adaptation of the novel, and one that author Lois Lowry speaks highly of, which is always a good sign. Up next:  Romeo and Juliet!

The brochure for Film Studies 11

4 Feb


Here it is — details on a new elective for next year:

Film Studies 11 Brochure

Eng 10 (2-4)

2 Oct

vocab test today!

homework: please read ch. 6-10 for Monday.

have a great weekend!

Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

4 Jan



Beautiful & heart-breaking: the opening image of Tiger Lily forever watching the shore for Peter’s return. 

I thought this novel was going to be a simple riff on the Peter Pan story. Instead, it is a raw, genuine tale about a girl who fell in love and never recovered. 

If you’ve ever had love and waited too long for its return, then this book will bring back those feelings of hope, betrayal and guilt.

Edit: This novel makes me want to re-read Wide Sargasso Sea (It has a post-colonial lit vibe to it.)