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Final projects due this Friday

8 Jun

The Maze Runner — title page and quote responses

I’ll supply some blank paper in class (the standard paper size — 8.5×11) if anyone needs a sheet. Try to fit your three quotes onto the title page if you can. The responses should be on a separate page.

I’ll be marking these harder, so spend some time to revise and proofread your writing and to make sure the title page is neat.

We’ll have time in class on Wednesday to work on them some more, so ask questions if you are unsure!

HOMEWORK DUE TODAY:  vocabulary logs (10 words)

Costume Day on Thursday!!!

2 Jun

Bonus marks for effort in coming to class as something/someone from The Maze Runner!

Maze Runner Symbol Speeches — some helpful info

29 May

Just a few points to help you with planning your speech for Tuesday…

-Length:  approximately 3 minutes (speaking slowly will help). You may use cue-cards to help remind you of your points and examples.

-Write-up: remember to do a write-up about your choice of object and how it connects to the novel. This write-up can be handwritten or typed. It can also be your speech as well.

  1. Describe your object.
  2. Explain how it is related to an aspect of the story.
  3. Describe examples from the story to give evidence and justify your object.
  4. Convince us with details and examples that it is a worthy symbol of the story.

Your symbol should represent an aspect of the story such as:  one of the themes/messages, a character, an important choice or decision, a conflict, etc.

**I will bring my iPad so that images can be projected (if it’s not possible/safe/ethical to bring your object in!)**

And don’t forget — Thursday is costume day! Bonus marks for those who show effort. 🙂

Bumping the post about the Maze Runner speeches

26 May

Final assignments for The Maze Runner.

Here is a pdf of the handouts —

Maze Runner Book Final Assignments

Speeches are happening next week!  June 2 (and 4th). A write-up is part of this speech assignment.

I think I scared everyone with today’s announcements!

Due today:  Quote response (please type up and upload via Schoology if you can. If not, then bring a hard copy on Tuesday.)

Homework: please read Chapters 57-60 (pp. 342-364). No questions. We’ll read aloud the final chapters next week to end the book together!